(DRAGU’s method)
O prima configurare (OUTSIDE) a tablei de joc, se poate face pe linii (sub-matricile S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6) :
{ A first setup (OUTSIDE) of the game board, can be done on lines (sub-matrices S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6):}
{ Une première configuration (OUTSIDE) du plateau de jeu, peut être faite sur les lignes (sous-matrices S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6):}
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
--------------------(X) S1 S1 : 1-2-3-4-5-6
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
--------------------(X) S2 S2 : 7-8-9-10-11-12
| 10 | 11 | 12 |
| 13 | 14 | 15 |
--------------------(X) S3 S3 : 13-14-15-16-17-18
| 16 | 17 | 18 |
| 19 | 20 | 21 |
--------------------(X) S4 S4 : 19-20-21-22-23-24
| 22 | 23 | 24 |
| 25 | 26 | 27 |
--------------------(X) S5 S5 : 25-26-27-28-29-30
| 28 | 29 | 30 |
| 31 | 32 | 33 |
--------------------(X) S6 S6 : 31-32-33-34-35-36
| 34 | 35 | 36 |
Daca se joaca pe sub-matrici S, castigul este 6/1, fiecare sub-matrice continand 6 numere ale ruletei .
{If you are playing on sub-matrices S, the win is 6/1, each sub-matrix containing 6 roulette numbers }
{Si vous jouez sur des sous-matrices S, la victoire est de 6/1, chaque sous-matrice contenant 6 no. de roulette }
Se pot alcatui 2 moduri de joc :
{ You can get 2 game modes:}
{ Vous pouvez obtenir 2 modes de jeu:}
1) – MOD 1
(exclusiv pe sub-matrici S)
{(excluding sub-matrices S)}
{(à l'exclusion des sous-matrices S)}
- x=1 1 6-1=5 22. x=30 30 180-176=4
- x=1 1 6-2=4 23. x=36 36 216-212=4
(2) (212)
- x=1 1 6-3=3 24. x=43 43 258-255=3
(3) (255)
- x=1 1 6-4=2 25. x=52 52 312-307=5
(4) (307)
- x=1 1 6-5=1 26. x=62 62 372-369=3
(5) (369)
- x=2 2 12-7=5 27. x=74 74 444-443=1
(7) (443)
- x=2 2 12-9=3 28. x=89 89 534-532=2
(9) (532)
- x=2 2 12-11=1 29. x=107 107 642-639=3
(11) (639)
- x=3 3 18-14=4 30. x=128 128 768-767=1
(14) (767)
- x=3 3 18-17=1 31. x=154 154 924-921=3
(17) (921)
- x=4 4 24-21=3 32. x=185 185 1110-1106=4
(21) (1106)
- x=5 5 30-26=4 33. x=222 222 1332-1328=4
(26) (1328)
- x=6 6 36-32=4 34. x=266 266 1596-1594=2
(32) (1594)
- x=7 7 42-39=3 35. x=319 319 1914-1913=1
(39) (1913)
- x=8 8 48-47=1 36. x=383 383 2298-2296=2
(47) (2296)
- x=10 10 60-57=3 37. x=460 460 2760-2756=4
(57) (2756)
- x=12 12 72-69=3 38. x=552 552 3312-3308=4
(69) (3308)
- x=14 14 84-83=1 -----------------------------------------------
- x=17 17 102-100=2
- x=21 21 126-121=5
- x=25 25 150-146=4
- mod de joc : ‘’martingale’’;
- fiecare sub-matrice lucreaza independent, conform BET TABLE (x6);
- E = Engulf (apartine, cuprins in…) ; LAST=ultimul numar extras-> (-), (x1), (x5) = pozitia castigatoare a ultimului numar (LAST).
RECOMANDARE : - daca profitul > (30-40)x(bet=1), parasiti jocul si reluati mai tarziu.
Jucati numai cele mai mici jetoane (ex. 10 bani, 1 cent, etc.).
Metodele prezentate sunt ‘’extra-income’’, nu de imbogatire. Jucati RESPONSABIL !
La un profit care vi se pare rezonabil, folositi metoda SCALPING (taie motzul si fugi !)
{- game mode: ' ' martingale ' ';
- each sub-matrix works independently according to BET TABLE (x6);
- E = Engulf (belongs, contained in...); LAST = last number extracted
-> (-), (x1), (x5) = the winning position of the last number (LAST).
RECOMMENDATION: - if you profit > (30-40) x (bet = 1), leave the game and resume later.
Play only the smallest chips (e.g. 1 money, 1 cent, etc.).
The methods presented are ' ' extra-income ' ', not enriched. Play responsibly!
At a profit that you find reasonable, use the SCALPING method (cut and run!)}
{- mode jeu: ' ' martingale ' ';
- chaque sous-matrice fonctionne indépendamment selon BET TABLE (X6);
- E - Engulf (appartient, contenu dans...); LAST=dernier numéro extrait
-> (-), (x1), (x5) -la position gagnante du dernier numéro (LAST).
RECOMMENDATION : - si vous en profitez (30-40) x (pari 1), quittez le jeu et reprenez plus tard.
Ne jouez que les plus petits jetons (p. ex. 1 argent, 1 cent, etc.).
Les méthodes présentées sont « extra-revenus », non enrichies. Jouez de façon responsable!
À un profit que vous trouvez raisonnable, utilisez la méthode SCALPING (couper et courir!)}
NOTA : - la SUMA PROFIT>0, toate matricile active (necastigatoare !), se reseteaza pe ‘’x1’’ (poz.1 – BET TABLE). Se incepe o noua sesiune de joc (NEW session). Astfel, se evita atingerea pragului de CASINO LIMIT. In exemplul de mai jos, nu am tinut seama de acest lucru, tocmai pentru a intelege cum se citeste BET TABLE !
{ NOTE : - at the PROFIT amount > 0, all the active matrices (loses!), is reset to ' ' x1 ' ' (pos. 1 – BET TABLE). It starts a new session of the game (NEW session). This avoids the reach of the CASINO LIMIT threshold. In the example below, I did not realize this, just to understand how to read BET TABLE!}
{ NOTE : - au montant PROFIT> 0, toutes les matrices actives (qui perds!), est réinitialisée à ' ' x1 ' '(pos. 1 - BET TABLE). Il commence une nouvelle session du jeu (NEW session). Cela évite la portée du seuil CASINO LIMIT. Dans l'exemple ci-dessous, je ne me suis pas rendu compte de cela, juste pour comprendre comment lire BET TABLE!}
SPIN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
S1 (-) - x1 x1 x1 (x1) - x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 x4 (x5) - x1 x1
S2 - x1 (x1) - (x1) - x1 x1 (x1) - (x1) - x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 (x2) - x1 (x1) -
S3 - x1 x1 (x1) - x1 (x1) - x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 x4 x5 x6 (x7)
S4 - (x1) - x1 x1 x1 x1 (x1) - x1 x1 x1 (x1)(-) - x1 (x1) - x1 x1 x1 x1
S5 - x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 (x4) - x1 (x1) - x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2
S6 - x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 (x8) - x1 x1 (x1) - x1
EX.1 (E.G.)
EX.1 (E.G.)
- LAST=5 E S1
- Play : 1xS2+1xS3+1xS4+1xS5+1xS6 ; LAST=21 E S4 - profit=1
- Play : 1xS1+1xS2+1xS3+1xS5+1xS6 ; LAST=8 E S2 - profit=2
- Play : 1xS1+1xS3+1xS4+1xS5+1xS6 ; LAST=16 E S3 - profit=3
- Play : 1xS1+1xS2+1xS4+1xS5+1xS6 ; LAST=12 E S2 - profit=4
- Play : 1xS1+1xS3+1xS4+1xS5+1xS6 ; LAST=5 E S1 - profit=5
- Play : 1xS2+1xS3+1xS4+2xS5+1xS6 ; LAST=16 E S3
- Play : 1xS1+1xS2+1xS4+2xS5+2xS6 ; LAST=20 E S4
- Play : 1xS1+1xS2+1xS3+2xS5+2xS6 ; LAST=9 E S2
- Play : 1xS1+1xS3+1xS4+3xS5+3xS6 ; LAST=0 (ZERO !)
- Play : 1xS1+1xS2+1xS3+1xS4+3xS5+3xS6 ; LAST=12 E S2
- Play : 1xS1+1xS3+1xS4+4xS5+4xS6 ; LAST=28 E S5 - profit=2
- Play : 2xS1+1xS2+1xS3+1xS4+5xS6 ; LAST=24 E S4
- Play : 2xS1+1xS2+2xS3+1xS5+6xS6 ; LAST=21 E S4
- Play : 2xS1+1xS2+2xS3+1xS5+7xS6 ; LAST=30 E S5
- Play : 3xS1+1xS2+2xS3+1xS4+8xS6 ; LAST=32 E S6 - profit=12
- Play : 3xS1+1xS2+3xS3+1xS4+1xS5 ; LAST=20 E S4
- Play : 4xS1+2xS2+3xS3+1xS5+1xS6 ; LAST=9 E S2
- Play : 5xS1+4xS3+1xS4+1xS5+1xS6 ; LAST=4 E S1 - profit=29
- Play : 1xS2+5xS3+1xS4+1xS5+1xS6 ; LAST=36 E S6
- Play : 1xS1+1xS2+6xS3+1xS4+1xS5 ; LAST=11 E S2
- Play : 1xS1+7xS3+1xS4+2xS5+1xS6 ; LAST=15 E S3 - profit=52
2) – MOD 2
(grupuri de sub-matrici) {(sub-matrices groups)} {(groupes sous-matrices)}
Desfasurare grafica : { graphical progress:} { progrès graphiques:}
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
- o o o - - -
- - o o o - -
- - - o o o -
- - - - o o o
- o - - - o o
- o o - - - o
Matrices (18 no.) :
M1 : S1+S2+S3
M2 : S2+S3+S4
M3 : S3+S4+S5
M4 : S4+S5+S6
M5 : S5+S6+S1
M6 : S6+S1+S2
- x=1 3 6-3=3 8. x=128 384 768-765=3
- x=2 6 12-9=3 (765)
(9) 9. x=256 768 1536-1533=3
- x=4 12 24-21=3 (1533)
(21) 10. x=512 1536 3072-3069=3
- x=8 24 48-45=3 (3069)
(45) -------------------------------------
- x=16 48 96-93=3 CASINO LIMIT X=600
- x=32 96 192-189=3
- x=64 192 384-381=3
- mod de lucru : ‘’martingale’’ (matrici opuse);
- fiecare matrice lucreaza independent, conform BET TABLE (x3);
- la SUMA PROFIT>0, toate matricile active se aduc pe pos.1(x1)- NEW session ;
{- working mode: martingale (opposite matrices);
- each matrix works independently according to BET TABLE(x3);
- at the PROFIT amount > 0, all active matrices is brought to pos. 1 (x1)-NEW session;}
{- mode de travail : martingale (matrices opposées);
- chaque matrice fonctionne indépendamment selon BET TABLE(x3);
- au montant profit> 0, toutes les matrices actives sont apportées à pos. 1 (x1)-NEW session;}
RECOMANDARE : - la profit >(30-40)x(bet=1), parasiti jocul.
- folositi metoda SCALPING (‘’taie…si fugi !’’)
E = Engulf (apartine, cuprins in..) ; LAST= ultimul numar extras
{RECOMMENDATION: - at profit > (30-40) x (bet = 1), leave the game.
- use SCALPING method (' ' Cut... and run! ' ')
E = Engulf (belongs, contained in..); LAST = last number extracted}
{ RECOMMENDATION: - au profit (30-40) x (bet=1), quittez le jeu.
- utilisez la méthode SCALPING (' ' Cut... et courir! ')
E - Engloutir (appartient, contenu dans..); LAST=dernier numéro extrait}
|->NEW |->NEW
SPIN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
M1 - (x1) (-) (-) - x1 (x2)
M2 - x1 (x2) (-) - x1 (x2)
M3 (-) - (x1) - (x1) (-) -
M4 (-) - x1 x1 (x2) (-) -
M5 (-) (-) - x1 (x2) (-) -
M6 - (x1) - (x1) - x1 (x2)
- LAST=26 E S5(M3,M4,M5)
- Play : 1xM1+1xM2+1xM6 ; LAST=2 E S1(M1,M5,M6)
- Play : 2xM2+1xM3+1xM4 ; LAST=15 E S3(M1,M2,M3)
- profit=5 (all active matrices on pos.1 – NEW)
- Play : 1xM4+1xM5+1xM6 ; LAST=11 E S2(M1,M2,M6)
- Play : 1xM3+2xM4+2xM5 ; LAST=28 E S5(M3,M4,M5)
- profit=9 (all active matrices on pos.1 – NEW)
- Play : 1xM1+1xM2+1xM6 ; LAST=26 E S5(M3,M4,M5)
- Play : 2xM1+2xM2+2xM6 ; LAST=7 E S2(M1,M2,M6) - profit=12
(desfasurare pe duzini)
{(unfolding on dozens)}
{(déroulement sur des dizaines)}
Pe duzini (D1, D2, D3 - 12 no.), matricile acopera 8 no., deci asigura o probabilitate minima de 66%.
{On dozens (D1, D2, D3-12 no.), the matrices covers 8 no., so provide a minimum probability of 66%.}
{Sur des dizaines (D1, D2, D3-12 no.), les matrices couvrent 8 no., donc fournir une probabilité minimale de 66%.}
Desfasurare duzini/definire matrici
{ Deploy dozens/define matrices}
{Déployer des dizaines/définir des matrices}
1 | 2 | M1 : {1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 8 – 9 – 11 – 12}
4 | 5 |
| 8 | 9
| 11 | 12
1 | 2 | M2 : {1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 10 – 11}
4 | 5 |
7 | 8 |
10 | 11 |
| 2 | 3 M3 : {2 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 8 – 9 – 11 – 12}
| 5 | 6
| 8 | 9
| 11 | 12
| 2 | 3 M4 : {2 – 3 – 5 - 6 – 7 – 8 – 10 – 11}
| 5 | 6
7 | 8 |
10 | 11 |
13 | 14 | M5 : {13 – 14 – 16 – 17 – 19 – 20 – 22 – 23}
16 | 17 |
19 | 20 |
22 | 23 |
| 14 | 15 M6 : {14 – 15 – 17 – 18 – 20 – 21 – 23 – 24}
| 17 | 18
| 20 | 21
| 23 | 24
13 | 14 | M7 : {13 – 14 – 16 – 17 – 20 – 21 – 23 – 24}
16 | 17 |
| 20 | 21
| 23 | 24
| 14 | 15 M8 : {14 – 15 – 17 – 18 – 19 – 20 – 22 – 23}
| 17 | 18
19 | 20 |
22 | 23 |
25 | 26 | M9 : {25 – 26 – 28 – 29 – 31 – 32 – 34 – 35}
28 | 29 |
31 | 32 |
34 | 35 |
25 | 26 | M10 : {25 – 26 – 28 – 29 – 32 – 33 – 35 – 36}
28 | 29 |
| 32 | 33 |
| 35 | 36 |
| 26 | 27 | M11 : {26 – 27 – 29 – 30 – 31 – 32 – 34 – 35}
| 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 |
34 | 35 |
| 26 | 27 | M12 : {26 – 27 – 29 – 30 – 32 – 33 – 35 – 36}
| 29 | 30 |
| 32 | 33 |
| 35 | 36 |
BET TABLE (x9/dozen)
(cost : 2 bet/dozen)
x = pos. in matrix (dozen)
- x=1 2 9-2=7 17. x=36 72 324-320=4
- x=1 2 9-4=5 18. x=46 92 414-412=2
(4) (412)
- x=1 2 9-6=3 19. x=60 120 540-532=8
(6) (532)
- x=1 2 9-8=1 20. x=77 154 693-686=7
(8) (686)
- x=2 4 18-12=6 21. x=99 198 891-884=7
(12) (884)
- x=2 4 18-16=2 22. x=127 254 1143-1138=5
(16) (1138)
- x=3 6 27-22=5 23. x=163 326 1467-1464=3
(22) (1464)
- x=4 8 36-30=6 24. x=210 420 1890-1884=6
(30) (1884)
- x=5 10 45-40=5 25. x=270 540 2430-2424=6
(40) (2424)
- x=6 12 54-52=2 26. x=347 694 3123-3118=5
(52) (3118)
- x=8 16 72-68=4 -------------------------------------
- x=10 20 90-88=2 CASINO LIMIT X=400
- x=13 26 117-114=3
- x=17 34 153-148=5
- x=22 44 198-192=6
- x=28 56 252-248=4
- metoda de joc : ‘’martingale’’ (matrici opuse) ;
- fiecare matrice joaca independent, conform BET TABLE ;
E=Engulf (apartine, cuprins in..) ; LAST=ultimul numar extras ;
{-Method of play: ' ' martingale ' ' (opposite matrices);
-Each matrix plays independently, according to BET TABLE;
E = Engulf (belongs, contained in..); LAST = last number extracted ; ZERO=zero no.}
{-Méthode de jeu: ' ' martingale ' (en face des matrices);
-Chaque matrice joue indépendamment, selon BET TABLE;
E - Engloutir (appartient, contenu dans..); LAST=dernier numéro extrait ;}
SPIN 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
M1 - x1 x1 x1 x1 (x2) (-) -
M2 - x1 x1 x1 x1 (x2) (-) -
M3 - x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 (x2) -
M4 - x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 (x2) -
M5 (-) (-) - x1 (x1) - x1 (x1)
M6 (-) - x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 (x2)
M7 (-) - x1 x1 (x1) - x1 (x1)
M8 (-) (-) - x1 x1 x1 x1 (x2)
M9 - x1 (x1) (-) - x1 x1 x1
M10 - x1 (x1) (-) - x1 x1 x1
M11 - x1 (x1) - x1 x1 x1 x1
M12 - x1 (x1) - x1 x1 x1 x1
- LAST=20 E (M5,M6,M7,M8)
- Play : 1xM1+1xM2+1xM3+1xM4+1xM9+1xM10+1xM11+1xM12+ZERO=1
LAST=19 E (M5,M8)
- Repeat spin2 + 1xM6+1xM7 (+ZERO=1); LAST=35 E (M9,M10,M11,M12)
- Play : 1xM1+1xM2+1xM3+1xM4+1xM5+1xM6+1xM7+1xM8+ZERO=1
LAST=28 E (M9,M10)
- Repeat spin4 + 1xM11+1xM12(+ZERO=1) ; LAST=13 E (M5,M7)
- Play : 2xM1+2xM2+2xM3+2xM4+1xM6+1xM8+1xM9+1xM10+1xM11+1xM12+ZERO=1
LAST=4 E (M1,M2)
- Play : 2xM3+2xM4+1xM5+2xM6+1xM7+1xM8+1xM9+1xM10+1xM11+1xM12+ZERO=1
LAST=2 E (M1,M2,M3,M4)
- Play : 1xM5+2xM6+1xM7+2xM8+1xM9+1xM10+1xM11+1xM12+ZERO=1
LAST=14 E (M5,M6,M7,M8) - profit=27
O alta abordare a tablei de joc
{ Another approach to the game board}
{Une autre approche du plateau de jeu}
M1 : 1-2-3-4-5-6 M2 : 7-8-9-10-11-12
=============== -------------------------
| 1 | 2 | 3 | | 7 | 8 | 9 |
--(X)-----(X)----(X)-- ---(X)----(X)----(X)---
| 4 | 5 | 6 | | 10 | 11 | 12 |
------------------------- ===============
M3 : 13-14-15-16-17-18 M4 : 19-20-21-22-23-24
=============== -------------------------
| 13 | 14 | 15 | | 19 | 20 | 21 |
--(X)------(X)----(X)-- ---(X)----(X)----(X)---
| 16 | 17 | 18 | | 22 | 23 | 24 |
------------------------- ===============
M5 : 25-26-27-28-29-30 M6 : 31-32-33-34-35-36
=============== --------------------------
| 25 | 26 | 27 | | 31 | 32 | 33 |
--(X)-----(X)-----(X)-- ---(X)-----(X)----(X)---
| 28 | 29 | 30 | | 34 | 35 | 36 |
------------------------- ================
- x=1 3 18-3=15 14. x=7 21 126-117=9
- x=1 3 18-6=12 15. x=8 24 144-141=3
(6) (141)
- x=1 3 18-9=92 16. x=10 30 180-171=9
(9) (171)
- x=1 3 18-12=6 17. x=12 36 216-207=9
(12) (207)
- x=1 3 18-15=3 18. x=14 42 252-249=3
(15) (249)
- x=2 6 36-21=15 19. x=17 51 306-300=6
(21) (300)
- x=2 6 36-27=9 20. x=21 63 378-363=15
(27) (363)
- x=2 6 36-33=3 21. x=25 75 450-438=12
(33) (438)
- x=3 9 54-42=12 22. x=30 90 540-528=12
(42) (528)
- x=3 9 54-51=3 23. x=36 108 648-636=12
(51) (636)
- x=4 12 72-63=9 24. x=43 129 774-765=9
(63) (765)
- x=5 15 90-78=12 25. x=52 156 936-921=15
(78) (921)
- x=6 18 108-96=12 26. x=62 186 1116-1107=9
(96) (1107)
- x=74 222 1332-1329=3 28. x=89 267 1602-1596=6
(1329) (1596)
- x=107 321 1926-1917=9 30. x=128 384 2304-2301=3
(1917) (2301)
- x=154 462 2772-2763=9 32. x=185 555 3330-3318=12
(2763) (3318)
- modul de lucru : ‘’martingale’’
- fiecare matrice lucreaza independent, conform BET TABLE
- ultimul numar extras (LAST) se va juca INSIDE pe matrice de 4 (x), plus ZERO=1
- folositi metoda SCALPING.
{-Working mode: martingale
-Each matrix works independently according to BET TABLE
-The last number extracted (LAST) will play INSIDE the matrix of 4 (x), plus ZERO = 1
-Use the SCALPING method.}
{-Mode de travail: martingale
-Chaque matrice fonctionne indépendamment selon BET TABLE
-Le dernier numéro extrait (LAST) jouera INSIDE la matrice de 4 (x), plus ZERO 1
-Utilisez la méthode SCALPING.}
Spin 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
M1 : - x1 x1 (x1) - x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x2
M2 : - x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 (x2) - x1 x1 x1 x1
M3 : (-) (-) - x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 (x2) - x1 x1
M4 : - x1 x1 x1 x1 (x1) (-) - x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
M5 : - x1 x1 x1 (x1) - x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 (x2) -
M6 : - x1 (x1) - x1 x1 x1 x1 (x1) - (x1) - x1
- LAST=15 E M3
- 1xM1 + 1xM2 + 1xM4 + 1xM5 + 1xM6 + LAST(15)=(matrix4) + ZERO=1
LAST=17 E M3
- 1xM1 + 1xM2 + 1xM4 + 1xM5 + 1xM6 + LAST(17)=(matrix4) + ZERO=1
LAST=35 E M6
- 1xM1 + 1xM2 + 1xM3 + 1xM4 + 1xM5 + LAST(35)=(matrix4) + ZERO=1
- 1xM2 + 1xM3 + 1xM4 + 1xM5 + 1xM6 + LAST(3)=(matrix4) + ZERO=1
LAST=28 E M5
- 1xM1 + 1xM2 + 1xM3 + 1xM4 + 1xM6 + LAST(28)=(matrix4) + ZERO=1
LAST=23 E M4
- 1xM1 + 2xM2 + 1xM3 + 1xM5 + 1xM6 + LAST(23)=(matrix4) + ZERO=1
LAST=22 E M4
- 1xM1 + 2xM2 + 1xM3 + 1xM5 + 1xM6 + LAST(22)=(matrix4) + ZERO=1
- 1xM1 + 2xM3 + 1xM4 + 1xM5 + 1xM6 + LAST(9)=(matrix4) + ZERO=1
LAST=36 E M6
- 1xM1 + 1xM2 + 2xM3 + 1xM4 + 1xM5 + LAST(36)=(matrix4) + ZERO=1
LAST=15 E M3
- 2xM1 + 1xM2 + 1xM4 + 1xM5 + 1xM6 + LAST(15)=(matrix4) + ZERO=1
LAST=31 E M6
- 2xM1 + 1xM2 + 1xM3 + 1xM4 + 2xM5 + LAST(31)=(matrix4) + ZERO=1
LAST=29 E M5 (profit=26)
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